
Posts tagged “top tips”

When searching for a new employee for your business it is essential to consider the key attributes that define exceptional recruitment. Three vital qualities that contribute to great recruitment are: 
Communication – a recent poll carried out has shown that ⅔ of candidates commented that poor communication negatively impacted their recruitment experience. ⅓ of these candidates also turned down a job offer due to the quality of the communication. Therefore, excellent communication is vital to successful recruitment. 
• Be a finisher/completer – ensure your recruitment process not only starts well but, more importantly, successfully concludes. A comprehensive process from start to finish ensures you attract and retain top talent. 
• Persistence – Candidates seek acknowledgement and positive engagement. Woo and flatter them!! If a candidate isn’t sure about a role or doesn’t come back first time persist and continue to chase them. 
Now you’ve considered the qualities that contribute to great recruitment, you need to look at the 5 little known habits that are needed to recruit successfully. 
In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, the search for top talent goes beyond merely attracting candidates—it's about keeping them engaged and invested for the long haul. The modern workforce is seeking more than just a paycheck; they want to align themselves with organisations that resonate with their values and aspirations. We want to help you understand the 10 things that candidates want to know about you as their future employer. 
With the rising cost of living, you may be looking for ways to reduce costs in 2023. Recruitment costs may be one area you can make some cutbacks whilst still ensuring you are attracting the very best candidates. 
The current recruitment market is a tough place to be for employers. It is a candidate’s market which means they have all the decisions and choices, not the employers. We have identified how this is affecting hiring managers ability to recruit effectively and what you can do about it. 
Salary Expectations 
In the 2nd half of 2022 growth in average pay was 6.2% (4.3% excluding bonuses) and with the rise in inflation over 10% - candidates are looking for pay rises of at least this. Here is how, as a hiring manager, you can work with this during your recruitment process: 
In a recent survey (last week) 78% of all companies who responded said that they are currently doing less hiring than before lockdown or no recruitment activities at all. 
Those companies that are still recruiting are focussing on their business-critical roles, and for those that have identified these vacancies within the organisation, they need to get good quickly at remote recruitment. 
Is this you?  
Click below for our 5 top tips to be successful in remote recruitment. 
