
Posts tagged “What candidates are looking for”

In the ever-changing world of business, the onboarding process has undergone a revolutionary transformation. Companies are now utilising technology, personalisation and interactive approaches leaving the world of paperwork and passive presentations behind. These factors are ensuring that new employees not only hit the ground running but seamlessly integrate into the company. In this blog we will look into the ways that the onboarding process has transformed and how this transformation has benefited companies. 
In today’s competitive job market attracting and retaining top talent is more challenging than ever. As companies compete for the best professional in their industry the concept of employer branding has emerged as a crucial strategy. Employer branding goes way beyond marketing a company’s products or services; It is also about shaping and promoting the company as an attractive place to work. Essentially it is the company’s reputation as an employer.  
Let’s explore the importance of employer branding and how it plays a crucial role in securing and retaining top talent. 
In today's rapidly changing world, diversity and inclusion in the workplace isn't just morally crucial; it's also a strategic advantage. 
Companies that embrace diversity and create an inclusive workplace culture tend to be more innovative, better at problem-solving, and ultimately more successful. 
A key area where this inclusivity can be cultivated is in the recruitment process. So, let’s look at the top 10 strategies for achieving diversity and inclusion in recruitment: 
When searching for a new employee for your business it is essential to consider the key attributes that define exceptional recruitment. Three vital qualities that contribute to great recruitment are: 
Communication – a recent poll carried out has shown that ⅔ of candidates commented that poor communication negatively impacted their recruitment experience. ⅓ of these candidates also turned down a job offer due to the quality of the communication. Therefore, excellent communication is vital to successful recruitment. 
• Be a finisher/completer – ensure your recruitment process not only starts well but, more importantly, successfully concludes. A comprehensive process from start to finish ensures you attract and retain top talent. 
• Persistence – Candidates seek acknowledgement and positive engagement. Woo and flatter them!! If a candidate isn’t sure about a role or doesn’t come back first time persist and continue to chase them. 
Now you’ve considered the qualities that contribute to great recruitment, you need to look at the 5 little known habits that are needed to recruit successfully. 
In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, the search for top talent goes beyond merely attracting candidates—it's about keeping them engaged and invested for the long haul. The modern workforce is seeking more than just a paycheck; they want to align themselves with organisations that resonate with their values and aspirations. We want to help you understand the 10 things that candidates want to know about you as their future employer. 
If you are looking at recruiting Generation Z, how can you make sure you are attracting them into your organisation? 
Generation Z are the working generation born between 1996 and 2010, the most defining trait about them is that they are Tech Natives, meaning they were born with technology, it is part of their lives and always has been. There are also some other key things about Generation Z that are important to consider whilst writing your job adverts and during the recruitment process to ensure you are really appealing to them: 
The candidate market is tough currently. There are not lots of candidates all desperate for their next role as some employers may expect. We are seeing a discerning candidate pool with clear requirements as to what they are looking for from their next role and their next employer. So, if you are recruiting currently what do you need to show potential applicants to make them interested in you? 
1. Stability 
We have all felt it over the last fourteen months. No one can look too far into the future and know what will be happening next with the pandemic. Yet for many of us, change does not sit comfortably. Most candidates, if they are looking for their next position will be looking for a company that is going to offer them stability. Make sure that your promotional literature reflects this – talk about your heritage and your plans for the future. 
2. Flexibility 
This is the number one requirement for candidates. They don’t necessarily want to work from home permanently or full time, but they do want to be offered flexibility within the workplace. Look at your policies around home working. What can you offer candidates – more flexible hours? a hybrid model of working from home as well as the office? You will lose out on candidates if you are still adopting a rigid 9 – 5, office working environment. If you are being flexible – shout about it! Candidates want to know – it will help to make their decision to apply to you easier. 
