The Edge 

As a candidate sometimes it is really hard to find the right information on how to apply and come across best at interview so that you can secure your perfect position. We've gathered together some of our top tips and hints to help give you "the edge".  
CVs and applications have been very much automated these days with many of the job boards accepting a CV that you can then post out for multiple applications. How can you make sure that this way of mass applying gets your CV noticed? 
When you register with a job board you are given the opportunity to upload your CV and then these documents can sit there for a long time - and the longer that they sit there the more out of date they become. 
Tip number 10 
Check which CV is on all the job boards that you use and make sure that it is the most up to date one that you have. 
In the past it has been okay to have one CV fits all and the hiring manager has been responsible for pulling out your relevant details. Now with hundreds of candidates applying for each position you need to make sure that your CV is tailored to the job for which you are applying. 
To rewrite your CV each time is a long and laborious process which we wouldn't recommend. However, it is important to review your details with each application that you put in so that it is clear as to why you are applying for this role. 
Tip number 9 
Add words to your CV that reflect the job for which you are applying. An easy way of doing this is to include a summary of a personal profile at the top of your CV and tailor this towards the role you are interested in. 
The job market is competitive now. How can you create the best CV to showcase your skills, experiences and responsibilities? 
The average length of time that a CV is assessed is 7 seconds, make sure that yours is good enough for someone to read for longer. 
Tip number 8 
Make sure that your layout is clear and easy to read. Make sure that it is logical and shows your clear career progression. 
CVs all have a very similar format and are generally considered quite dry documents. Jazzing them up with colours, graphics and different fonts won't get you noticed in the right way. CVs that show your creative side are more likely to end up on the "no" pile as they take longer to sift for relevant information. 
How can you inject some personality into your details? 
Tip number 6 
If you have a hobbies and interests section, make sure that it gives a flavour of what you like to do in your spare time. Don't include the famous three words "walking, running, reading" or something similar. 
How do you get your CV to the top of the pile? How do you impress the hiring manager enough to get any interview? Follow us to find out our top 10 tips in the current competitive jobs market. 
Over 80% of the workforce have gaps on their CV, what should you be including to cover off this potential question mark on your document? 
Tip number 6 
If you have gaps between some of your jobs don't use the trick of stretching out the months or only using years to cover these up. If you have had a gap of over 3 months it is worth explaining why on your CV. 
Have you been busy applying for lots of jobs but you don't seem to be getting anywhere? Follow us for hints and tips to make sure that your CV stands out from the competition. 
CVs should be under two pages long - but this is another invaluable tip to make your CV more valuable to the recruiting manager. 
Tip number 5 
Create your CV as a word document rather than a PDF. This is such a simple thing and can make such a difference to how your details come across to a company that you want to work for. 
The only job a CV has is to get you an interview, but how can you help yourself be successful in your perfect role with the hundreds of applications that are being seen at the moment? 
What simple tricks can you use to make sure that your CV stands out from the crowd? 
Tip number 4 
Remove all personal information that people can make a judgement on. This includes information around your date of birth, photos and family details. 
For most of 2020 the candidate market has been turned on its head. We have been use to having lots of vacancies and very few candidates to having very few vacancies and in some cases thousands of applications. Make sure you are doing all you can to make your application successful. 
What simple tricks can you use to make sure that your CV stands out from the crowd? 
Tip number 3 
Make sure that your contact details are at the top. This includes your location so that recruiting and hiring managers know where you live. 
For most of 2020 the candidate market has been turned on its head. We have been use to having lots of vacancies and very few candidates to having very few vacancies and in some cases thousands of applications. Companies have been slow to change their practices - but with an overwhelming number of applications what can you do to make your CV be noticed? 
Now is the time to make sure that your CV stands out from the crowd. this doesn't involve bright colours and strange fonts! 
Tip number 2 
Use bullet points to show clearly your main responsibilities in each of your job roles. 
For most of 2020 the candidate market has been turned on its head. We have been use to having lots of vacancies and very few candidates to having very few vacancies and in some cases thousands of applications. Companies have been slow to change their practices - but with an overwhelming number of applications what can you do to make your CV be noticed? 
Having spent much of this morning sifting through over 650 applications for a position, I was thinking - "How could some of these candidates get me to spend longer looking at their CV?" 
Tip number 1 
Underneath the name of the company that you are currently working for write a sentence as to what the company does and what your role purpose was within this company. 