Have you been busy applying for lots of jobs but you don't seem to be getting anywhere? Follow us for hints and tips to make sure that your CV stands out from the competition. 
CVs should be under two pages long - but this is another invaluable tip to make your CV more valuable to the recruiting manager. 
Tip number 5 
Create your CV as a word document rather than a PDF. This is such a simple thing and can make such a difference to how your details come across to a company that you want to work for. 
PDF documents are just not as easy to manipulate as word documents. Even though PDF documents can look better, companies and definitely agencies will want to change things about on your CV. Recruitment agencies will always want to remove your contact details for example so that they are in control of your process. Companies may want to add notes to your information if they are sending your details to different departments. Conversion software changing PDFs to word documents often change the formatting and it is just easier to have them in the right format to start with. 
Tip: Always use a word document format of your CV. 
If you think that your organisation would benefit from this please pass on our details and we will be happy to have a confidential no-obligation chat. You can call us on 0116 2080246 or email on outplacementsolutions@emerald-starfish.com 
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