10 Things Candidates Want to Know About You During Recruitment
Posted on 3rd October 2023 at 10:00
In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, the search for top talent goes beyond merely attracting candidates—it's about keeping them engaged and invested for the long haul. The modern workforce is seeking more than just a paycheck; they want to align themselves with organisations that resonate with their values and aspirations. We want to help you understand the 10 things that candidates want to know about you as their future employer.
1. Job Description:
22% of people leave a new job within 45 days of starting, often because the job isn’t what they expected. Therefore, it is important to have a clear, up-to-date job description ready to send candidates when inviting them to interview.
2. Department Information:
Candidates like to know how they will fit in your organisation. Who will they be working with? Provide an overview of the department's structure. If you're a small company, you can add a touch of humour or include fun facts, like information about office pets, to make it more relatable.
3. Mission:
Explain your company's mission—why it exists and the impact it aims to make.
4. Vision:
What are the company plans, how does this role fit within that vision?
5. Values:
What are you company values? What is important to your organisation and its employees.
6. Future Opportunities:
Describe potential career growth opportunities associated with the role. Keep this discussion open-ended, as it may depend on the candidate's performance and your company's needs. If there are limited advancement prospects in the role, focus on the skills candidates can develop.
7. Employee Stories:
Showcase the experiences of your employees through videos on your website or social media platforms. Highlight team members' journeys within your company and their career development paths.
8. Company Tour:
This doesn’t need to be in person at interview stage, although this is ideal, it can be done virtually. It helps people see what the working environment is like. Keep this friendly and informal and introduce team members along the way.
9. Company History:
What is the story of how your company got to where it is today, providing a sense of its journey and achievements.
10. LinkedIn Profiles:
Candidates like to and should research who the senior leadership team on LinkedIn, make sure these profiles and up to date and informative.
Now we have identified the information the candidates want to know how do we get this information to them? Create a document or presentation that can be sent out as part of the recruitment process. You can also dedicate a page within your website and send candidates a link to follow. Additionally ensure your company's profiles on job review websites like Indeed and Glassdoor are up to date and comprehensive, these can be made to look very professional and elevate you as an employer of choice.
Tell candidates the where the information is and ask that they spend some time before the interview reading through everything so that if anything is missing you can cover this off for them at the interview stage.
If you would like to discuss any or all the above points, please call Emerald Starfish on 0116 2080246.
Tagged as: 2023 recruitment, bespoke recruitment, candidate attraction methods, Candidate engagement, candidate information, current candidate market, Outsourced Recruitment, Recruiter, recruitment hints and tips, SME Recruitment, top tips, What candidates are looking for
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