Competition for candidates is currently high. There are lots of job opportunities for great candidates currently. How can you persuade the right candidate to take your role over the others that they will be interviewing for? It also starts with your first impressions… 
Why should you send out a candidate pack? 
This information is sent out at the start of the recruitment process. Ideally, when you are confirming the first stage interviews. This is an often-missed opportunity to start to sell your company to your candidates and will also reduce the length of time spent at interview telling them about the organisation. It means that you get more time to spend; asking the candidates about themselves and their suitability for the role. 
What company information should you include? 
Have some information about your organisation which can include: 
The vision of the company and its history so far. 
Demonstrate the problem that the company solves 
Use it to show a positive work environment and culture 
Showcase future opportunities as their career development within the organisation. 
It can be in creative form with a video tour of the workplace. Or it can be a talking heads video opportunity with stories from your existing employees talking about their journeys within the company and why they like working there. These don’t need to be slick and polished marketing collateral but more authentic to help candidates get the feel of the place. More employees working from home to explain what the company does and who is involved will make new additions to your workforce start to feel part of something bigger right from the beginning. 
What else should you be sending candidates? 
We send out candidate packs as part of the invite to first interview and can also include: 
The role profile for the job for which they are applying. 
A person specification if you have this as a separate document 
Company benefits for the role 
A virtual tour of the company – if you operate from more than one site, it is a great way to showcase the whole organisation. 
The competition for candidates has never been greater and a candidate pack will make you stand apart from other organisations that candidates are applying to. It will show that you are a forward-thinking company. With more workplace restrictions, it shows that you have adapted to the environment within which you are working. It will help you to see more engaged candidates and help you have a higher rate of job offers accepted. 
For more help on candidate communications and your recruitment processes, please visit or call us on 0116 2080246. 
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