Volume Recruitment 

Do you have the need to bring more than 5 heads into a department? 
Do you not have the processes and personnel in place to be able to run recruitment on a larger (5 - 100+ heads) scale? 
Volume Recruitment (5 -100+ heads) can add extra stress and workload for already over-stretched HR departments and Recruiting Managers. 
Volume Recruitment (5 - 100+ heads) can add extra stress and a high increase in workload for already overstretched Recruiting Managers. 
Only 5 extra heads can add a week’s worth of interviewing for a Recruiting Manager at first stage. 
We manage both large and small Volume Recruitment Projects for our clients. We work closely with our clients and can offer help and expertise at all stages of the recruitment process. Your HR departments and recruiting managers need only to be involved only at the final stages choosing from successful candidates that have already passed through the selection criteria. 
We can offer full end to end project management or manage part of the process for you including: 
Candidate generation 
CV sifting 
Psychometric testing 
1st stage interviewing 
Design and Development of Assessment Centres 
Management of candidate offers and rejections. 
We do this by only charging you for the time that we work on your recruitment projects, and we like to work closely with our clients in partnership so that we can screen candidates on your behalf, and support you through each stage of the recruitment process, designing interview frameworks and helping you with your interviews as needed. You will get much more from Emerald Starfish and we promise it will cost you a lot less! 
We work with our clients to offer either the full outsourced recruitment service of end to end recruitment or we support our clients with any parts of the process as required. 

Seasonal Volume Recruitment 

A peak in recruitment demand can be difficult to manage in-house and handling volumes of CVs, screening candidates, interviewing and assessment centres require expertise and experience. 
We ensure that you can reach the high numbers of recruits that these projects require within set time frames. Your project will work out more cost effective with agreed budgets from the outset rather than escalating costs. 

Assessment Centre Management 

We work with our clients to offer expertise in design, development and management of assessment centres for Volume Recruitment Projects. 
We can manage the whole project or provide expert assessors for short or long periods of time as well as manage all the administration of the assessment centre too. We support your Recruiting Managers to help them make the right recruitment decisions for their team and your business. 
Caroline has been excellent and has kept us on track and focused on our objectives throughout 
For more information on recruitment or outplacement simply call us on 0116 2080246 or click here to contact us. 
Emerald Starfish - Engaging recruitment bringing together the right people with the right businesses.