Emerald Starfish Vacancies 

Current Vacancies 

If as a candidate you want some help and advice to give you the best chance in the recruitment process then please click the link below for more information on the current job market and give yourself "the edge"
Please see below for the current positions that Emerald Starfish are recruiting for.  
For more information on each role, and how to apply please click the apply button 
For a confidential, no obligation chat simply call us on 0116 2080246 or click below to contact us. 
Emerald Starfish act as these companies Outsourced Recruitment Departments, you will need to apply for positions via the apply button and if you are interested in more than one role - you will need to apply for each one. We know it's a pain, but we aren't an agency and we will treat you better than you have been treated in recruitment before! If you get an interview with us, this is equivalent to the first stage interview with the company and we promise that if you aren't successful we will offer you constructive feedback. If you are successful then the whole recruitment process will be quicker and less painful!