Headhunting Agency
Do you have a position where you are looking for an unusual profile of person?
Do you have clear talent or criteria that you want to bring into your organisation?
We are experts in finding the right candidates. When looking to fill that all important senior position either with a known person or with a known profile of person then our head hunting service could be right for you.
Working totally confidentially we can ascertain the interest of the right individuals without the need for advertising and without your competitors knowing what you are planning.
Whether it's to fill a vacant position or as part of a growth strategy having the right senior managers and decision makers in the business will make all the difference.
Emerald Starfish executive search and headhunting solutions will help you to secure the right person for your position.
We charge a daily rate which means that you only pay for the work done and therefore you can expect to at least half your executive search bill but with all of the quality that you have come to expect.

For a confidential, no obligation chat simply call us on 0116 2080246 or click below to contact us and to find out how we can help you.