Career Transition Services for Individuals
For some people individual career transition support is more appropriate. Whether you are making a single person redundant, or a manager who needs a different level of support from their team, or a more sensitive situation where you want to offer a more discreet offering.
We offer an initial two hour face to face meeting (virtually or in person) which can then be tailored to the individuals specific needs. Support is then on-going by video, phobe and email by their designated outplacement consultant until they have secured their next role.

What is included in our Career Transition Services?
Outplacement Services or Career Transition Support are terms used to describe a process designed for someone who is being made redundant to go through to ensure that they have all of the tools needed to secure their next role within the current jobs market.
We tailor our support to the individual but typically can include:
Practicalities of being made redundant
Looking at new career directions or self employment
Writing CVs
Where to find the specific jobs they are looking for
Interview techniques and questions
Social media profiles – LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook etc
Networking to find a job

What are the benefits of offering Outplacement?
Redundancy has a knock on effect across your organisation. By offering an outplacement programme to those exiting the business you are supporting those being let go as well as those who remain with you. By investing in those that are leaving your organisation you are protecting your employer brand and showing support too for those that are staying. Companies often lose staff after a redundancy programme that they would want to keep due to the general unsettling. A good outplacement programme can stop this happening as those that remain understand better why the changes happened and those exiting the business are more positive about their future opportunities.
An outplacement programme will support your company values and your brand.
If you would like to know more about our Outplacement Programmes or our Career Transition Solutions for Indviduals simply call us on 0116 2080246 or click here to contact us.