Staff Support through Change Management Programme
Posted on 16th July 2018 at 14:59
Emerald Starfish were referred into a Midlands Based Housing Association to run some Professional Development Workshops for the teams.
The Challenge
The client had always been recognised as a top employer within the area, however the most recent figures showed that they had slipped down the rankings. At the same time the organisation was going through a restructure and therefore some positions were being made redundant. The new CEO recognised that staff satisfaction had slipped and he wanted to address this both for the staff that were under threat of redundancy as well as those staff whose roles were safe but were perhaps looking for something new.
The Background
The Housing Association approached Emerald Starfish as a result of a recommendation. The scope of the project was to ensure that all those who attended were given the right tools to enable them to be fit for the job market, whether that was for internal progression or in the external market place. The course was offered to all office staff within the organisation and candidates signed themselves up to attend.
The Solution
Emerald Starfish worked with the Training and Development team to design a half day Professional Development workshop which offered support to the candidates whether they were applying for internal or external positions This course designed and delivered by Emerald Starfish fitted into a Stepping Stones programme put together by the organisation. Emerald Starfish also offered on-going support via the phone or email for 3 months beyond the workshop.
The Result
Emerald Starfish were initially booked for 3 half day workshops. As a result of the popularity of the workshop and the feedback from those that had attended a further 2 workshops were booked and delivered. Candidates were also asked for feedback at the end of each workshop session.
All candidates (100%) found all the workshops either very good or excellent, across all measured aspects.

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