Recruitment has been challenging in the first half of 2022. Three-quarters of companies are expecting to recruit in the next three months and from the latest East Midlands quarterly survey over 82% of companies are finding vacancies hard to fill what candidate behaviours can you expect to see currently? 
At Emerald Starfish we are seeing several unique candidate behaviours this year. 
1. High levels of applications but low levels of commitment. 
We are still seeing a high level of applications for the roles for which we are recruiting. However, when we come to book in candidates for interviews it is like handling a leaky bucket. Candidates don’t return calls and they will agree to attend an interview and then not show up. The key here is to make sure that you react quickly. Visit your candidate pool daily to review new applications. For any candidates that meet your criteria make sure that you speak to them quickly. As part of your interview process ask candidates whether they have any other offers on the table and whether they would have any reservations about taking your role. You don’t want to waste time with candidates that aren’t serious about your role. 
2. Outrageous Salary Expectations: 
In terms of role requirements salary has always been around number seven as to what a candidate is looking for from a new role. However, in today’s market, it is most definitely the number one requirement. As a result of the cost-of-living crisis, rising fuel costs etc candidates are often asking for outrageous salary uplifts. As a hiring manager make sure that you are clear on your limits as well as clear what the candidate wants and whether you can meet them. A 10% salary increase is a good baseline for candidates to expect as a starting point for negotiation. In the current jobs market, why would a candidate take less? Sell the other benefits too that you offer and tailor them against their current company. We are currently seeing candidates getting a higher salary offer for a new job and then using it as a negotiation tool with where they are currently working. 
3. Accepting a new position, but then pulling out before starting: 
This is so frustrating, as you will have been through the recruitment process and the time that that takes, as well as through their current notice period too. Having to readvertise again for a role can damage your employer branding, as potential candidates can see you readvertising and make up their reasons for this. Keep in touch with candidates throughout their notice period. Make them feel part of your team from the start of their journey to joining you – don’t wait until day one on the payroll! Book in time for them to join in with team drinks, or send them information on the company before they start. Allow them the opportunity to address any concerns that they may have in joining a new organisation by keeping in touch. Make it as easy as possible to step into your organisation as well as to help them to easily step away from their current role too. 
For more help in working with the current candidate market and dealing with these candidate behaviours call Emerald Starfish on 0116 2080246 or email 
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