If you think you might need to lose some staff this year, have you looked at the benefits of using an outplacement provider? They can support the positions that are being made redundant, but also those staff that will remain with you. 
If you think you might need to lose some staff this year, have you looked at the benefits of using an outplacement provider? They can support the positions that are being made redundant, but also those staff that will remain with you. 
We have pulled together an infographic that looks at the outcomes for individuals who lost their jobs in 2020 as a result of the pandemic and the information is more encouraging than you might expect. 
It was found that 79% of employees who were offered outplacement moved to a new role at the same level or a higher position. Over half of redeployed candidates found a position with the same or higher salary bracket. Whilst redundancy can be a scary proposition it can offer a real opportunity to climb the career or salary ladder. In 2020, the highest proportion of staff changed both job roles and industry over the last 8 years, with the movement of people from areas that were struggling to those that were benefiting from the current conditions. 
Staff that remain following a redundancy programme can suffer from “Survivor Syndrome” and this can often be shown through: 
• More absenteeism 
• Reduced motivation for their current role 
• Lower morale 
• Decrease in productivity 
• Lower commitment to the company and their roles. 
• Increase in workplace stress. 
However, if those remaining can see the positive way that those that are leaving are treated these symptoms reduce. 
The pandemic has forced companies to assess the skills of their current workforce and look at what they need moving forward. Therefore, soft skills that candidates have been more in demand. Especially the ability to demonstrate adaptability within work and the ability to change pace and direction easily. 
Outplacement can help participants to understand their strengths and develop these skills if they don’t already have them to enable them to pick up their next role more easily. It offers tangible help to those affected as well as intangible benefits to those that remain within the organisation. 
If you would like a copy of this infographic, or to find out more as to how an Outplacement Programme could benefit your organisation, please contact 0116 2080246 or email caroline@emerald-starfish.com 
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