3 Behaviours in the Current Candidate Market
Posted on 24th May 2021 at 12:08
Being at the forefront of recruitment and active in the current market we are seeing some interesting and surprising candidate behaviours. None more so than the activity that we are seeing from candidates en masse currently.
For many, it will seem surprising that rather than seeing a large active candidate pool, it is the opposite. Applications per job are down and the number of quality candidates is also lower than expected. So, if you are recruiting – what can you expect to see?
1. Indecisive candidates
Quality candidates will be holding job offers from more than one employer, and in a change to previous behaviours, more candidates are accepting more than one offer and then taking time over their decision as to which one they will finally take. To help them decide to take your role, make sure that you are keeping close to them and helping them with any outstanding questions that they need answering to help them with the decision-making process. It’s not about rubbishing any other offers they may have but about showing them how you will support them and offer them stability as they are forming their first impressions – values that have come to the forefront for many candidates during this time.
2. Change in the behaviours of the disappearing candidates.
These have always been difficult to predict, having confirmed that they are happy to attend an interview they just disappear into the ether, leaving all involved a little confused, a touch worried (did something happen to them on the way to the interview?) and a little annoyed. You have been officially ghosted. This behaviour has also changed! We are now seeing candidates who had disappeared suddenly appearing back on the scene as if nothing has happened ready to pick up the recruitment process as if we haven’t been chasing around after them for the past three weeks or finding replacements to fill their shoes. If you see this behaviour from candidates, whilst I would be wary that they may mess you around again, if you haven’t yet filled the vacancy I certainly wouldn’t discount them – engage with them again and give them the benefit of the doubt.
3. Candidates giving up on recruitment processes
How long and convoluted is your recruitment process? Candidates seem to be impatient at the idea of complicated processes. Don’t be mistaken into thinking that candidates will be willing to jump through hoops for you. If you want to assess lots of different things during the recruitment process clump them together rather than expecting candidates to come back in for multiple stages. Ask them to do as little preparation beforehand as possible – if you want them to do a presentation give them all the information on the day. This is fairer for candidates and the recruitment process anyway but will also stop those candidates from not turning up as they know something else will be along soon with not such an onerous process.
Are you struggling to find suitable candidates for your roles? Are you frustrated by your recruitment processes? The team at Emerald Starfish are experts in finding the right candidates for your roles, why not contact us to see how we can help? Call 0116 2080246 or email us at recruitmentsolutions@emerald-starfish.com .
Tagged as: candidate behaviours, candidate decisions, Candidate engagement, current recruitment market, current recruitment processes, recruitment decisions
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